53.3 MiB
21 files
0 directories
Index of /files/art/Edward Theodore Compton/
Filename Modified Size Type
[Parent Directory]---
Edward Theodore Compton Lauterbrunnen Schweiz 1880.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/213.4 MiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton Eibsee 1881.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/213.1 MiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton Val Genova 1887.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/213.8 MiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton Bei Kaprun Mooserbodental mit Blick auf den Karlinger Gletscher 1916.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/213.2 MiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton Das Augustiner Bräu und Kloster Mülln in Salzburg.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/214.7 MiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton The Matterhorn Undated.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/213.8 MiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton A view over the town of Salzburg.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/211 MiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton Blick auf Klagenfurt vor den Bergzügen der Karawanken 1912.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/212.3 MiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton Pasterze Glacier.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/211 MiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton A cottage in the mountains 1890.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/214.7 MiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton Blick auf das Jungfraumassiv Undated.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/211.9 MiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton Blick über den Gletscher Aletschgletscher 1912.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/214.5 MiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton Ochsentalferner Silvretta 1912.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/211.5 MiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton The Grossglockner 1880.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/21794 KiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton The Lyskamm from the Gnifetti Hut Valais Switzerland 1902.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/214.5 MiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton A view of Bregenz and Lake Bodensee Undated.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/211.8 MiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton Die Alpe Barneuza Wallis Circa 1880.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/213.9 MiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton Rauchkofl from Maderkopf Undated.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/21622 KiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton The Ortler South Tyrol Undated.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/21672 KiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton From the Dolomites 1904.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/21758 KiB[Download][Save]
Edward Theodore Compton Ödenwinklkees with the Johannisberg 1902.jpg09/05/21 23:5409/05/211.2 MiB[Download][Save]
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